Module org.cicirello.chips_n_salsa
This package includes classes that implement operators that create, mutate, etc, integer valued
ClassesClassDescriptionGenerates random
objects for use in generating random initial solutions for simulated annealing and other metaheuristics, and for copying such objects.Generating randomIntegerVector
objects for use in generating random initial solutions for simulated annealing and other metaheuristics, and for copying such objects.KPointCrossover<T extends IntegerVector>Implementation of K-point crossover, but for IntegerVectors.RandomValueChangeMutation<T extends IntegerValued>This mutation operator is for integer valued representations, and replaces an integer value with a different random integer value from the domain.SinglePointCrossover<T extends IntegerVector>Implementation of single point crossover, but for IntegerVectors.TwoPointCrossover<T extends IntegerVector>Implementation of two-point crossover, but for IntegerVectors.UndoableRandomValueChangeMutation<T extends IntegerValued>This mutation operator (supporting the undo operation) is for integer valued representations, and replaces an integer value with a different random integer value from the domain.UndoableUniformMutation<T extends IntegerValued>This class implements a uniform mutation with support for theUndoableMutationOperator.undo(T)
method.UniformCrossover<T extends IntegerVector>Implementation of uniform crossover, but for IntegerVectors.UniformMutation<T extends IntegerValued>This class implements a uniform mutation.